Do you need a new card idea? This fun fold makes this card look more complicated, then what it is.
1. Cut Thick Basic White 11" x 4-1/4". Score at 5-1/2".
Cut 2-3/4" off front flap, and save for later.
2. Cut 2 pieces of Pear Pizzaz Cardstock 4" x 2-1/2", and emboss one of the pieces with Cane Weave folder.
3. Cut a piece of DSP 3-3/4" X 2-1/2", and glue to non embossed green piece of c/s. Glue layers to White card base, of the front flap.
4. Glue embossed green c/s to the 2-3/4" x 4-1/4" piece of white, and glue horizontally to card front using Dimentionals. (Only glue on the left hand side.)
5. Stamp Image on white circle, and sentiment on curvy tag. Attach to card front using dimentionals.
Add Gems to card front, and a piece of 5-1/4" x 4" Green to inside of card.